Wednesday, June 25, 2008

the sea is getting rough

a few more exams have gone gone by.. the going seems to be very very tough.. or perhaps am not doing my basics right.. when i got 48th rank at G B pant, i felt that it was just about at par.. considering the fact that there were only five seats and maximum number of candidates had appeared for it.. but in the two exams following that, i havent been able to lift my performances from there.. feel a bit let down by "myself". Crazy huh? but thats how i feel at the moment.. in a bit of semi paralytic state where i am just going with the flow..
i just have got to turn it around... i know..hopefully i can do that before (in sports parlance) the season ends.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure whether the `season' has `ended', but I hope you did do very well in the rest of the `games' :-). You deserve it. I still remember how disappointed you were 10th std results treated your genius unfairly--and how you worked hard and got your revenge in the 12th.
I hope you repeat that act again buddy--and post an update on your blog soon. Will be watching 8-)...

You'll be thinking `who's this guy??'. For now I'll be anon :-). I know you quite well, but life took us along different routes and now I've not seen you from quite a long time now. I just happened to stumble upon your blog through some back alleys of he internet and felt disappointed when I read some of the last few updates. Just wanted to let you know that you really deserve the reward of what you worked for and I hope things work out soon. Good luck buddy!!


from the archives....(previoulsy unpublished drafts) written on 26/8/10 Its been long, since my last post. Life has moved on by leaps and bo...