i am sure each of us have felt it, - when you expect something and hope for that to happen with all your heart, and when it doesnt, you get a sinking feeling, your heart feels so heavy, such an unpleasant sensation which is quite difficult to fathom later on. i really cant begin to describe in words how i felt for a good couple of hours after learning that i hadnt qualified for the interviews in the aiims Dm exam. I know its the one of the toughest exam and one of the most competitive exams among the most brilliant young MD's of india, but after answering a really tough exam, i had felt that i had done quite well, atleast qiute well enough to be up there with the best guys. but unfortunately, i was wrong and when i saw the results i felt what i have tried to describe in the early salvo. But i have got over that disappointment now, and yeah today was the cmc vellore exam, 120 questions in 90 minutes, really with all those choices, felt like 200 questions in 90 minutes. finished it on the dot, and towards the end i felt like it was a race against time more than trying to solve the questions. Most of the guys felt it was a tough one to crack. Yeah i did feel it was testing , but tough? Hmm- not that much, anyway in this exam where it was more like a rapid fire test, a lot depends on luck, i guess.
Hoping for the best, keeping fingers crossed.
tomorow i leave for kolkata,
well , the journey continues.........